Kaew Gallery Thailand

Even with zero experience in this stuff, she knocked it out of the park, and got it here in time for my birthday!

I gifted my mom one of the post cards .. she somehow tracked down the artist from Chang Mai, and got her to do a piece for me and shipped it to Canada. — Abhay (James) from Canada

About Me

“ Art is my passion and now my full-time job.”
My name is Saengkaew Bongkotmat, but you can call me "Kaew" which you will see signed on all the paintings. I was born in Krabi province, Thailand on August 22, 1975. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in education technology and I studied art as a minor, also. I like painting when I was young. After University, I worked in business, but was not happy. I was making money but not finding fulfillment in my work. Because of the unhappiness in my business life. I returned to painting full-time about 10 years ago, and discovered that this is really me. I began selling my art at the Chiang Mai Night Market, and now have a gallery and art shop in The Old City. Art is my passion and now my full-time job. My goal is to capture Thai culture in the style of my paintings. I intend to continue my best artistic work, and improve my painting. Thank you for your support of my art. "Kaew"

Contact Us

If you have inquiry about our products or general information, please contact us.
Our address
18/1 Inthawarorot Rd., Sriphum, Muang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Thailand
Get directions
Open hours
Daily 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM